As I was in Target today I was behind this lovely woman with two lovely four year old girls.  They were just adorable.  Until they started crying that is.  I still thought they were adorable as I’m waiting for grandchildren but everybody around me looked at her in that disapproving way we always look at mothers whose children misbehave in public.  Gasp.


While I was driving home I thought about the people in charge of watching these poor immigrant children the Trump Administration is separating from their parents and putting in cages or barracks or concentration camps whatever you want to call them.  Now let me add that I believe these people are just doing their jobs, the ones they are paid to do by our government, but I wondered how do they sleep at night? I’m reckoning very poorly unfortunately. That last sentence probably makes their job so much harder.

I’m not an expert on human nature or humanity for that matter but how hard must it be to go to work everyday and hear crying children.  I know how two beautiful little girls warranted nasty looks in Target.  Children crying for their parents, maybe not sleeping well themselves in the conditions they are kept in, maybe sick with the flu since the Trump Administration would not accept the free flu vaccines from doctors.  How awful must it be to go to work and then come home and be thankful for your own children.  It must break their hearts.  It’s all done in secret too because we don’t want photographs or audiotapes showing how devastating this is for children.  Easier to label them illegal than it is to call them children.  Easier to keep anybody who wants to help them away too.  It’s a deterrent I suppose.

But really what is it doing to the people paid to watch them?  They are not making $770 a head for watching them, they are civil servants probably making a decent salary but is it enough to have to endure what they must endure?  How many times have you been in a room full of children, one cries they all cry?  It must be like that all day long, it must be as traumatizing for them and their families as it is for the children missing their childhood.

I usually share my opinions on my Facebook page much to the chagrin of my Trump supporting friends but I wanted to write something longer than my usual rant.  It’s really important to put this out there in a way that doesn’t target people doing their jobs and takes into consideration the feelings and depression that must come from being a child or being a worker under these conditions.  I am tired of the bullying and vitriol that comes with being on either side of this president.  I really just want you to think about it.  How do they sleep at night and what are we doing to humanity?

My wish for all of them is that someday soon we return to some kind of normal and all these people, children and adults, can get back to their lives and get some sleep.  I hope God watches over all of them in the meantime.